Building A BlogBuilding A Blog

A definitive guide for building a modern website. Know what happens behind the scenes in

Hello, everyone! this is a blog about building a fantastic and modern blog on everything that is free (yes free).

If you are still facing a question that why develop your own blog? You can use any ready-to-use solution available in the market and that is also free.

For example:

Building a blog is about learning how to develop a complete solution and practical experience. So let's start!

  • This website is built having 3 principles in mind:

    • Modern Stack/JAMStack
    • Everything Free & Open Source
    • Dev Experience (everything on javascript)


  1. A domain

    • The first thing is to find a perfect name for your blog. You can use your name if you want it to be a brand.
    • There several websites I search domain, you can check it out:

    • Just to start you can use the free subdomain provided by Netlify and later add your own domain to the same website. Deploying on Netlify is explained in deployments section
    • Multi-level domain setup (another article by me you should look into)
  2. A data storage

    • By data storage, I mean where your content will exists. There are a lot of options depends on how flexible and agile you want things. Most of the content storage method I have mentioned below:

    • Strapi CMS: Its the CMS I choose. Strapi is an open-source koajs based next-gen headless CMS.

      • You can start by looking into the Strapi starter template created by me while building this blog.
      • How to setup: Have a look for the installation guide once Create a new project from template:

         # Using Yarn
             yarn create strapi-app my-app-name --template
        # Or using NPM
            npx create-strapi-app my-app-name --template

        Start the project

             yarn develop
             npm run develop


      • Things to know:

      • Content:

        • Articles
        • Categories
        • Authors
        • Tags
    • Mongo Atlas Cloud: I am using the free 512MB instances from MongoDB Atlas.
  3. An UI (frontend)

  4. Deployments

  5. Ecommerce (future plans)

  6. Done! Thank you for reading. Please comment if I missed anything. Feedbacks are welcomed.
