
PM2 is a CLI process manager for Node.js applications with a built-in load balancer

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Traefik 101: Deploying Node.js App with PM2 and Traefik using File Provider

Traefik 101: Deploying Node.js App with PM2 and Traefik using File Provider

We all know the classic web servers Apache and Nginx, but try the much newer and amazing Traefik! Traefik is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer that makes deploying microservices easy. Learn basic deployment of a Node.js app using file-based configuration (without using any Container service like Docker).

Deployments | Nodejs PM2 Traefik

Posted 21. February 2021 by Milind SinghMilind Singh - 5 min read

Explore: How this blog is built ?

Explore: How this blog is built ?

A definitive guide for building a modern website. Know what happens behind the scenes in

Building a Blog | DNS Nginx Vue.js Gridsome Nodejs PM2 Strapi HTML Netlify GraphQL JAMStack MongoDB

Posted 5. January 2021 by Milind SinghMilind Singh and Risha TiwariRisha Tiwari - 5 min read