

Traefik (pronounced traffic) is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer that makes deploying microservices easy. Traefik integrates with your existing infrastructure components (Docker, Swarm mode, Kubernetes, Marathon, Consul, Etcd, Rancher, Amazon ECS, ...) and configures itself automatically and dynamically. Pointing Traefik at your orchestrator should be the only configuration step you need.

Blog posts by tag

Traefik 101: Deploying Magento 2 with Traefik using File Configuration Provider

Traefik 101: Deploying Magento 2 with Traefik using File Configuration Provider

Learn basic deployment of a Magento 2.4 using file-based configuration (without using any Container service like Docker).

Deployments | Nginx Magento 2 Traefik MySQL

Posted 28. March 2021 by Milind SinghMilind Singh - 6 min read

Traefik 101: Deploying Node.js App with PM2 and Traefik using File Provider

Traefik 101: Deploying Node.js App with PM2 and Traefik using File Provider

We all know the classic web servers Apache and Nginx, but try the much newer and amazing Traefik! Traefik is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer that makes deploying microservices easy. Learn basic deployment of a Node.js app using file-based configuration (without using any Container service like Docker).

Deployments | Nodejs PM2 Traefik

Posted 21. February 2021 by Milind SinghMilind Singh - 5 min read