
Tutorials and experiences by developers building modern websites & apps that are fast by default.

Top free static site hosting services in the market

Top free static site hosting services in the market

We all know Netlify and Varcel are the top static site hosting providers, but they are not the only one in the market. Find the detailed comparison of all static site hosting services available and what free stuff they offer.

Deployments | Gridsome Netlify JAMStack Automation Digital Ocean Vercel Hosting Free Stuff

Posted 26. January 2021 by Risha TiwariRisha Tiwari - 2 min read

Explore: How this blog is built ?

Explore: How this blog is built ?

A definitive guide for building a modern website. Know what happens behind the scenes in

Building a Blog | DNS Nginx Vue.js Gridsome Nodejs PM2 Strapi HTML Netlify GraphQL JAMStack MongoDB

Posted 5. January 2021 by Milind SinghMilind Singh and Risha TiwariRisha Tiwari - 5 min read

How to create a multi-level sub domain ?

How to create a multi-level sub domain ?

Its looks cool to have multi-level subdomains for different projects. example: or

Domain Management | DNS Nginx Domain Management CNAME

Posted 31. December 2020 by Milind SinghMilind Singh - 2 min read

Automating code quality check using GrumPHP in Magento 2

Automating code quality check using GrumPHP in Magento 2

Find the ultimate configurations to automate code quality checks using GrumpPHP in Magento 2

Code Quality | Magento 2 GrumPHP PHPCS PHPMD PHPStan Code Quality Automation Best Practices Coding Standards

Posted 25. December 2020 by Milind SinghMilind Singh - 5 min read

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